Delighted to have taken a new role at Baker Hughes as Manager of AI Robotics!
Robotic inspection – Annual Meeting 2024
Presented our work on fleet management systems for robotic inspection in the energy industry at the Annual Meeting 2024 of Baker Hughes, Florence, Italy.
Annual meeting at Baker Hughes
Showcasing quadruped robots at Baker Hughes’ Annual Meeting 2023
Joined the Technology and Innovation Center of Baker Hughes
I have just joined as Lead Robotics Engineer the AI Team of the Technology and Innovation Center of Baker Hughes, Florence, Italy
Grounding contexts in cognitive robotics
New paper out in Frontiers in Neurorobotics, resulting from a collaboration with Diana Valenzo, Alejandra Ciria and Bruno Lara from UAEM Cuernavaca and UNAM Mexico! Direct link here.
Associate Editor in Frontiers in Neurorobotics
I have just joined the Associate Editor Board of Frontiers in Neurorobotics. Delighted I can contribute to the quality and strategic development of the journal!
Computational models of the “active self” and its disturbances in schizophrenia
Very happy that a paper authored by Tim Möller, Kim Georgie, Martin Voss, Verena Hafner, Laura Kaltwasser, and myself on “Computational models of the “active self” and its disturbances in schizophrenia” has been published in Elsevier Consciousness and Cognition:
Joined European Commission’s Joint Research Centre
I am delighted to have joined the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Ispra, Italy! I will be carrying out research in AI and computer vision at the Directorate E – Space, Security and Migration, Unit E.3 – Cyber & Digital Citizens’ Security.
IEEE TCDS Special Issue on “Prediction and Perception in Humans and Robots”
A call for papers for a Special Issue on “Prediction and Perception in Humans and Robots”, which I am co-editing with Alejandra Ciria, Bruno Lara, Emily S. Cross and Angelo Cangelosi in IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, is open! Call available here: IEEE TCDS – special issue.
Experimental research, robotics implementations, and interdisciplinary works are particularly welcome, as well as theoretical contributions in the form of original research articles, reviews, and commentaries. This special issue invites researchers investigating topics related, but not limited, to:
- Attentional and gating mechanisms for action and sensory
information processing - Context- and task-dependent perceptual optimization
- Sensory attenuation/cancellation and sensory enhancement/facilitation
- Interplay of predictive and attentional mechanisms for prediction error minimization
- Multimodal integration and/or cross-modal interactions
- State representation learning
- Constrained innate priors that drive learning
- Prediction in language learning and comprehension
- Prediction error dynamics monitoring
- Dreaming, non-conscious perception, hallucination, altered perceptual phenomena
- Paper submission deadline –
15 July 20211 September 2021 - Notification to authors –
15 September 2021.1 November 2021 - Deadline revised papers submission –
15 November 2021. 15 January 2021 - Final version –
15 December 2021. 15 February 2021
A cartoon explaining the Predictive Robots project
Watch this video if you want to know more about the Predictive Robots project!